In this section, I will present all my collections of children’s books. The books that have already been published, but also those that will be published soon.
They are all very beautiful, and I’m sure you will like them 🙂.
Colorin tells the lives of Men and Women
I present to you my collection of three children’s books on biographies: Colorin tells the lives of Men and Women.
The stories of some of the most extraordinary people in history in a series of illustrated biographies told like never before by Colorin the unicorn.
Paperback Version

Also available in minibooks
Versión minilibro

And many more!
Colorin tells the Bible
I present to you my first collection of four children’s books: Colorin tells the Bible.
The most beautiful stories from the Bible illustrated and told like never before by Colorin the unicorn.
Get to know all the most important stories and the most famous characters from what remains the most read book in history.
Paperback version

Mini books

And many more soon!
Colorin tells Fantastic Stories
Very soon…
In my upcoming series of children’s books, I will tell you the most famous stories from authors like the Brothers Grimm, Charles Perrault, or Hans Christian Andersen, children’s fables from Aesop and Jean de La Fontaine, myths, and legends from around the world.
Paperback version (soon)

Mini Books version

And many more soon