Biographies for kids ➡️ 5 Reasons To Read With Them

We already know that reading has many benefits for children from a young age. It helps with the development of their brain, improves creativity, and allows them to learn about history or culture, for example.

And there are many types of stories. In Colorin Cuenta books, you can read fantastic tales, fables, myths, legends, Bible stories, and also biographies for children.

5 Reasons to Read Biographies with Children

What is a biography for kids?

Biografías para niños - Biografía de Rosa Parks
Rosa Parksin Colorin tells the lives of Men and Women

A biography is the narration of a person’s life story. Often, biographies are about very famous individuals, but anyone can write their biography. They usually cover the person’s entire life from birth to death, but they can also focus on just a part of their life.

Biographies for kids are the same but with text and a graphic style adapted to their age, just like all the books from Colorin Cuenta 😉.

Biografías para niños - Biografía de Gandhi
Gandhi Colorin tells the lives of Men and Women

But why is it interesting to read biographies with kids? Below, I present 5 reasons to do so.

1- A biography is a source of inspiration

Biography for kids of Leonardo da Vinci

A biography can be a source of inspiration for everyone, including children. Often, they narrate the lives of individuals who have done something extraordinary or lived an extraordinary life.

So they can serve as an example or guide for children’s lives, and they might say, “I want to be the new Leonardo da Vinci!” or “I want to be an artist like Frida Kahlo”…

Biography for kids of Frida Kahlo

2- Nothing is impossible

Biography for kids of Rosa parks
Biography for kids of Nelson Mandela
Biography for kids of Rigoberta Menchú

Many times, by reading biographies for kids, we realize that there are no limits to what one can achieve.

There are people who have managed to improve the world when it seemed impossible, such as Rosa Parks or Nelson Mandela, for example.

Some have created almost from nothing some of the world’s most important companies like Walt Disney or Bill Gates.

Others continue to fight for the rights of everyone and denounce the injustices that still exist today, such as Malala or Rigoberta Menchú. Or people who simply followed their dreams and changed the way everyone thinks in this way, like Amelia Earhart, the first woman pilot to cross the Atlantic Ocean, for example.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a girl or a boy; biographies teach you that anything can be achieved when you really want it.

Biography for kids of Malala Yousafzai
Biography for kids of Walt Disney
Biography for kids of Bill Gates

3- Errors and failures are part of the journey

Biography for kids of Coco Chanel

For many who managed to pursue their dreams, have an impact on our society, or succeed with their projects, the path wasn’t as easy as one might imagine.

Some made mistakes or were unlucky; others had to face many difficulties but never feared failure and always moved forward.

Like Coco Chanel, abandoned by her father in an orphanage with her sisters after her mother’s death, who managed to build one of the most successful fashion companies in history, or Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba, who was rejected by many universities and companies.

Biography for kids of Jack Ma

4- It's knowledge

Reading biographies for kids is a good way to help them understand how our world and societies have evolved.

From the past, it might seem strange to them that people didn’t know the Earth orbited the sun, for example, and that individuals like Galileo Galilei couldn’t publicly say it.

Biografías para niños - Biografía de Galileo Galilei

Or that girls, like Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, couldn’t study in a country like Mexico a few centuries ago. Or that, in a country like the United States a few years ago, there was a big difference between people just because they had a different color, and people like Rosa Parks or Martin Luther King had to fight for their rights.

And so, they can learn a lot from history and improve their understanding of our societies.

Biografías para niños - Biografía de Martin Luther King

5- It shows that there is still a lot to improve

Biographies for children can make them see the entire path that humanity has advanced. But also, everything that we still have to do in terms of equality and tolerance.

It’s incredible that even today there are still countries that don’t let girls go to school, as was the case with Malala not long ago. Or that differences still exist based on your gender, skin color, or your origins.

Biografías para niños - Biografía de Malala Yousafzai

Biographies for kids - Colorin tells the lives of Men and Women

For the best biographies for children, I present to you my collection “Colorin Tells the Lives of Men and Women”:

  • Who inspire – with Gandhi, Helen Keller, Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Rigoberta Menchú, and Malala Yousafzai
  • Who followed their dreams – with Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Vincent Van Gogh, Amelia Earhart, Walt Disney, Frida Kahlo, Bill Gates, and Jack Ma
  • Who made history – with the stories of Buddha, Christopher Columbus, Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo Galilei, Marie Curie, and Coco Chanel

A series of 20 illustrated biographies narrated by Colorin the unicorn so that little ones can learn all about these people.

Also available in Mini Books Colorin Tells

You can also find the mini-biographies from Colorin Tells, all my biographies with very fun activities to help retain the story.

Colorin Tells the Lives of Men and Women

A series of 20 illustrated biographies for children narrated by Colorin the Unicorn so that everyone can understand and be inspired by the lives of some of the most extraordinary people in history.

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