The story of Jesus for kids

Hello friends! Today, I’m going to talk to you about the story of Jesus for kids and the most important stages of his life.

Click on the different images to see how I tell the life of Jesus for kids in my books.

If you want to know more about the life of Jesus and the stories of the Bible, you can read the books from the Colorin Tells the Bible collection.

Colorin tells the Bible - The Story of Jesus - Paperback
Colorin tells the Bible - The story of Jesus -

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Index - The Story of Jesus For Kids

The story of Jesus for children – Jesus’ parents: Joseph and Mary

Before we can talk about the story of Jesus, you need to know who his parents were.

His mom’s name was Mary, and his dad was Joseph, a carpenter. And they lived in Nazareth.

The Bible says that the Angel Gabriel visited Mary to tell her that she would give birth to the son of God.

Joseph and Mary - Jesus' father and mother
Joseph and Mary - Jesus' father and mother

The birth of Jesus for children

By order of the Roman emperor, Joseph and Mary had to go back to Bethlehem.

And that’s where Jesus was born. In the manger of a small stable with many animals around.

When the news of Jesus’ birth spread, many came to see him because they knew their savior, the son of God, had been born.

I’m sure you know at least three of them: the Three Wise Men. They traveled from far away to bow before Jesus and gave him some beautiful gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Jesus' birth for kids
Jesus' birth for kids
The Three Wise Men and their presents
The Three Wise Men and their presents

The youth of Jesus

Jesus‘ story wasn’t straightforward when he was a child. Joseph and Mary had to flee to Egypt with their son because King Herod wanted to harm baby Jesus.

After some time, they were able to return to Israel and settled in Nazareth, where Jesus could finally grow up happily with his parents.

The youth of Jesus
The youth of Jesus

The baptism of Jesus – The story of Jesus for children

There was a man named John the Baptist who baptized everyone who wanted to be baptized in the Jordan River.

When Jesus was about 30 years old, he decided to visit John to be baptized by him. The Bible says that when he came out of the water, God said to everyone, “This is my son! Listen to him.”

And from that moment on, people started calling him the Messiah, which means the Savior.

The baptism of jesus
The baptism of jesus

The 3 temptations of Jesus in the desert

After his baptism by John the Baptist, the Bible tells us that Jesus went into a desert. And there, he spent 40 days without eating anything!

A serpent, or the devil disguised as a serpent, some say, tried to take advantage of his condition and presented him with 3 temptations to divert him from God’s will.

But Jesus was very strong, and the serpent had to leave, realizing that it couldn’t convince him.

The story of Jesus for kids - The 3 temptations
The story of Jesus for kids - The 3 temptations

The 12 apostles of Jesus

After a while, so many people were looking for Jesus that he had to find disciples to help spread the name of God.

So, he chose 12 men, the 12 apostles, to assist him in this task.

Peter, Andrew, Philip, James, Judas Iscariot, James the Lesser, Matthew, Bartholomew, Simon, John, Thaddeus, and Thomas were chosen.

The 12 apostles of Jesus
The 12 apostles of Jesus

The Our Father

Seeing how some people prayed to be seen by others, Jesus taught them a way to pray with “The Our Father.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

The Our Father in the story of Jesus for kids
The Our Father in the story of Jesus for kids

Some Miracles from the Story of Jesus for Children

Jesus did many good things to help a lot of people. They were incredible things, so incredible that people called them miracles.

For example, once he woke up a girl everyone thought was dead. He also made a blind man see again. Another time, he multiplied bread and fish for thousands of people and walked on water.

And these are just a few examples of miracles in the story of Jesus for children

The miracles of Jesus for kids
The miracles of Jesus for kids
The miracles of Jesus for kids
The miracles of Jesus for kids
The miracles of Jesus for kids
The miracles of Jesus for kids
The miracles of Jesus for kids
The miracles of Jesus for kids

Jesus Arrives in Jerusalem

One day, Jesus decided to go to Jerusalem because many people were waiting for him there.

Upon arriving, he went to the temple and got angry because there were merchants inside, and the house of God was not meant for business.

Meanwhile, Caiaphas, the chief of the Pharisees (the Pharisees were the leaders of the Hebrew religion at this time), approached Judas and convinced him to betray his best friend.

The story of Jesus for kids - Jesus arrives in Jerusalem
The story of Jesus for kids - Jesus arrives in Jerusalem

The Last Supper

On the Thursday before Easter, Jesus invited his friends to dinner and told them that he knew Judas was going to betray him and that he was going to die.

Full of shame, Judas left, and Jesus comforted his friends with these famous words:

Eat this bread because it represents my body. Take this wine because it represents my blood.

With these words, he wanted to tell them that he would always be with them.

The last supper in the story of Jesus for kids
The last supper in the story of Jesus for kids

The Arrest and Trial of Jesus

Thanks to Judas, the guards of the Pharisees were able to find Jesus and arrested him.

By claiming that Jesus was the Son of God, it was enough for the Pharisees to declare him guilty of blasphemy and sentenced him to death.

Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor, gave the people a chance to save Jesus, but incredibly, they chose to save a thief named Barabbas instead of Jesus.

The trial of Jesus
The trial of Jesus

The Sentencing of Jesus

As a punishment, Jesus had to climb a mountain called Calvary carrying a huge cross. No one could help him!

There, he died on the cross alongside two others who were sentenced.

His last words were “It is finished,” as if to say that everything happened according to God’s plan.

Jesus carrying his cross
Jesus carrying his cross

The Resurrection of Jesus

But something incredible happened… Three days after placing Jesus’ body in the tomb, his friend Mary Magdalene returned to make sure everything was fine.

But the tomb was open! And Jesus appeared alive! Jesus had risen!

All his friends could still see him for 40 days, and then he ascended to heaven to be with his Father.

The resurection of Jesus for kids
The resurection of Jesus for kids

End – The story of Jesus for kids

What did you think? Did you like the fascinating story of Jesus? You can find the complete story in the Colorin tells the Bible collection.

And I also have many stories in my section of Stories for Children that you can read whenever you want.

If you want to know more about the life of Jesus and my Colorin tells the Bible collection, you can find more info here.

You can see more of my stories here: my stories for children.

And visit me on my social media.




I’ll be waiting for you!

Colorin tells the Bible - The Story of Jesus - Paperback
Colorin tells the Bible - The story of Jesus

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